I am not alone! Okay, I knew I wasn't but, I stumbled across the move "Motherhood", and thought about shutting it off when it became apparent that it was a day in the life of a stressed out mom. Who needs to watch this, I live it. It examines impossible party planning, cleaning, running errands, never enough money or time. She encounters street sweepers, long lines, wrong orders, judgmental people, and works up a sweat. And of course, an oblivious husband, who shuts off his phone (shutting her off) and takes walks when she really needs a hand. Watching her made me stressed for her, and pissed at husbands for her. Alas, as husbands often do...he is great to her in the end, selling a favorite rare book, to pay for daycare and a dishwasher, tadah! Of course she will continue to pick up his dirty socks.
To throw another crutch into it, she is losing herself. All she wants is a little time to write an article, in hopes of winning much needed money and a spot in the adult world as a columnist. Enter hubby again, he slashes her work with red pen edits. Time, for a mom, LOL! Time for mom=LOL. Time for a mom equals more work later if you achieve it.
Nobody can possibly realize what a mother goes through, except another mother. Thank you ladies for all your time, effort, love and sacrifice.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
How I ordered a $49.99 digital kitchen scale for free.

I used code 4APWT433 at checkout, and got $10 off, making it only $15.
I used 3 free $5 Amazon Gift cards I earned by using SWAGBUCKS as my search engine. I've made over $50 the past few months. I search everything now and find I can make about $5 in Amazon gift cards ~every 3 weeks.
I am also a member of Amazon Prime, so it was shipped free. I qualify because I am a Student and have a .edu email address. But you can qualify for free by being a Amazon Mom, just remember to quit before being billed. Online Christmas shopping with no shipping! I order ink and paper too with free shipping and save through price comparisons and not using gas driving to the store.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Free Samples from Walmart!

Free Samples of Crest Pro-Health Clinical Gum Protection and Garnier Fuctis Anti-Dandruff Shampoo from Walmart. CLICK HERE to receive yours.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Free Holiday Brochure!

Land O'Lakes 20th Annual
Special Edition Holiday Brochure
Download or have it mailed by Land O Lakes.
Gluten free recipes available.
Feel free to invite us over to taste test!
Friday, September 24, 2010

First get additional 20% off use code: FORUONLY (through 9/25) then,
use code: SHIPFREE (through 9/28) and get free shipping!
I got some cute clearance clothes and jewelry for Christmas!
Shop through Ebate's and get cash back on purchase, just link to Kohl's.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
40-50% OFF PLUS 25% OFF CODE!!!

Aeropostale and PS by Aeropostale are marked down 40-50% off!
Plus code: REAL25 and get an extra 25% off!
Flat rate shipping $7
Plus code: REAL25 and get an extra 25% off!
Flat rate shipping $7
September 25th is FREE MUSEUM DAY!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Target has great deals on wet wipes, when combined with coupons. I saw a genius coupon plan to get Huggies wet wipes for $0.65 a tub. Thanks Common Sense with Money!
Click Here to see how to do it!
$10 of $10 or more Plus Free Shipping on Shoes!

JcPenney is offering $10 of $10 or more Plus Free Shipping on Shoes.
Use coupon code GO4TEN at checkout to get $10 off a $10 order.
Shop via Ebates and get 3% cash back on your order
plus a $5 bonus if it’s your first order with them.
Sign up for Ebates here, search JC Penney, click the link and save!
I made $9.35 last month through Ebates! They send a check or paypal.
Shop via Ebates and get 3% cash back on your order
plus a $5 bonus if it’s your first order with them.
Sign up for Ebates here, search JC Penney, click the link and save!
I made $9.35 last month through Ebates! They send a check or paypal.
Friday, September 17, 2010

Everyone (not just moms) can join Amazon Prime for 3 months (gives you free 2-day shipping). This is not a free trial and you won’t have to cancel it when your free Amazon Prime ends.
Plus savings on diapers, another free month of shipping each time you spend $25. Why not get the store to your door? Click Here for Amazon Mom

Free Amazon Prime Membership for College Students
This offer will allow any student with a valid .edu account to Join Amazon Prime free for a year. I took advantage of this deal, and love it. It includes FREE 2nd Day Shipping on Prime eligible items. CLICK HERE for more information.
Zappos is a popular online shoe site. It is offering a VIP FREE Overnight Shipping program thru October 8th for new and existing customers.
CLICK HERE to check it out! Thanks Freebies4Mom!
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Redplum is s a free coupon site. You can choose to load the coupons onto your Kroger card, or print. They also have daily deals.
redplum coupon site
- SAVE on groceries, makeup, pet supplies and more!
- Specific store specials for Meijer, RiteAid, Kroger, Walmart and more!
CLICK HERE for your free sample of Thomas Gourmet Coffee. Sometimes the site gets bogged down, then it's reset for the next day.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Crazy Cooking Day...
Monthly Rebate Round-Up:
Lots of Savings
One of the Blogs I check out from time to time is Northern Cheapskate. CLICK HERE for a link to the monthly rebate round-up.- Rite Aid
- Ace Hardware
- Walgreens
- and More!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Every Day with Rachel Ray: $3.99 for a 1-year Subscription
This is a link to "Cents" able Momma. Offer is for Magazines at great prices. Rachel Ray in particular is like getting a cookbook every month, including everything from budget friendly-to entertaining-vegetarian-kid friendly....
Today is the day!
I started this blog to keep myself motivated, and accountable. I find I post infrequently and haven't moved very far into my mission to make life healthier. I also didn't get any followers to help hold me accountable.
So...I will make a Facebook page to coincide with my blog. I will also use this as a spot to post deals and recipes I find from smart blogging moms!
Progress Report: I have managed to purge some of my house. My bedroom is still chaos. I blame the kids, and years of throwing everything "I'll deal with later" into my bedroom. I think I am eating junkier though. I hate my new fridge, and can't see what I put into it for some reason.
So...I will make a Facebook page to coincide with my blog. I will also use this as a spot to post deals and recipes I find from smart blogging moms!
Progress Report: I have managed to purge some of my house. My bedroom is still chaos. I blame the kids, and years of throwing everything "I'll deal with later" into my bedroom. I think I am eating junkier though. I hate my new fridge, and can't see what I put into it for some reason.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Two more weeks...
Just two weeks and my oldest two will be in school. Too bad my classes started yesterday. I am taking 2 slam cram classes 8 weeks each.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Like a child (of God)
It takes a lot out of me to ask for help. Even when I just need to "let go, and let God". I find it very humbling and tearful. I must offer my weakness and ask for help, guidance and relief. I like to strive for my personal level of perfection in all I do. When the task is hard I procrastinate, until I have the time to do it "right". Or I work way too hard and long making things perfect straining my brain and losing sleep. Today I ask for help, I pray and cry and admit I am only human. Taking care of 5 people (including myself) leaves me empty. Often I forget to take care of myself. Every once in a while I break and have to wipe the slate and start with myself. Today is that day.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Not too well...
I haven't been posting progress, because there hasn't been any! I hang with the kids, and eat what they eat and cant manage 30 mins of exercise without stopping at least 3 times for kids and trivial needs.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Crazy Lady...
I had a day today where my behavior reminded me of an episode of Roseanne. In the episode everyone was scared of her psycho PMS moods. I was crazed, but instead of running for cover, my family chose to aggravate me more. I think they want to see how far my mood will take me between yelling, crying or laughing. I don't know who or what I am. I just know it will be normal soon!
Good Morning!
Yesterday was Day 1 of no diet soda/pop. I am addicted to the taste and the caffeine. I used crystal light with caffeine. I spent way to much on groceries. I live in a town that has a nice little grocery, but have to drive about 45mins to get to a store with selection, so I think I bought everything in the meat and produce isles. I'm lucky my hubby loves me and is a nice guy!
Today I started with a healthy breakfast of fat-free yogurt and granola and got 1 child to join me. The others wanted a drink of milk, and are to busy playing. They ate all of the grapes I bought last night.
Today I started with a healthy breakfast of fat-free yogurt and granola and got 1 child to join me. The others wanted a drink of milk, and are to busy playing. They ate all of the grapes I bought last night.
Friday, June 18, 2010
This is the inaugural entry for my first blog!
I am a married, stay at home mother of three, junior in college who has to find something productive for myself. As I don't see or talk to people on a daily basis (while my hubby and kids are human, they are not "outside people") I will talk to my blog or through it.
I am a multitasking control freak, with the quirk of not being able to follow through if a task starts showing signs of imperfection. I find I am good at nearly everything, but not the best. I am a Christian, without a congregational family, raised by a Christian of the same. My relatives are from primarily Catholic and Jewish backgrounds. I have a odd sense of humor will be very sarcastic.
I plant to de-clutter my home and my life and have put aside a year to do it. This includes an overhaul of health, wealth and everything involved. Some goals are:
I am a multitasking control freak, with the quirk of not being able to follow through if a task starts showing signs of imperfection. I find I am good at nearly everything, but not the best. I am a Christian, without a congregational family, raised by a Christian of the same. My relatives are from primarily Catholic and Jewish backgrounds. I have a odd sense of humor will be very sarcastic.
I plant to de-clutter my home and my life and have put aside a year to do it. This includes an overhaul of health, wealth and everything involved. Some goals are:
- Stocking the freezer with ready-made quick foods to avoid junkie eating
- Stocking the fridge with healthy options
- Using natural ingredients that resemble where they came from; cuts of meat, grains etc.
- The purging of useless clutter physically and mentally
- Get the family outside more
- Lose weight-I am type II diabetic
- Plant my own garden
- Canning, freezing and storing my own jams, veggies, meats, fruits, applesauce etc
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