Thursday, January 30, 2014

1 Peter 5:7-8a

 Happy Thursday,!  I hope you’re making it a great day.  I am currently on Week 2 of "Made to Crave" by Lysa TerKeurst, the current Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study. This is my 5th Online Bible Study.

Today I’m focusing on 1 Peter 5:7-8a.
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Be alert.

My first response is to think this verse sums up much of the Bible’s teachings.  It asks us to give Him all our anxiety, reminds us of His love and warns us to be alert.  The Bible frequently asks for all we have, to commit to God.  We are always told of God’s great love. We are also to prep for battle and arm ourselves.

Some of you may think battle is a strong word.  Well, I have many strong feeling invoked when I focus on scripture.  We do battle a lot, as Christians. We face so many things of the modern world that reek of the enemy.  It may not seem that way, but anytime we crave or seek something of the world and give our energies or self over to them, we are losing a small battle.  It may seem innocent, that yearning that tugs us towards what we think fills us.  We say to ourselves we will be happy with more money, perfect hair, a purse or something fried or chocolate covered. After we get what we want, we just refocus on the great, gap filling thing. Over and over again.  My cravings involve sweet and savory foods.

My current Bible study focuses on cravings.  I am using it to make my body journey towards health, to be a better daughter of God, mother, and wife.  I have put on weight my whole adult life. I used to be an athlete in high school, but my knees hurt too much to exercise the way I used to.  I was diagnosed as Type II diabetic almost eight years ago, at a post pregnancy appointment after being gestational diabetic.  I had two diabetic pregnancies, in which I did everything the doctor told me.  Afterwards I went back to old habits, but carb-counted to keep my sugar in control.  I did not lose weight, I maintained, frustrated by how my body felt when I  deprived it. Less food and more exercise meant lots of monitoring, and losing half a day to feeling sick with low sugar, or physical therapy for my knees. I was in a cycle of not wanting to put the work into a healthy me.

This study has me making a positive investment into my self.  God did not intend for me to be broken and defeated.  He believes I have a purpose, and I need to battle my body, to be healthy for that purpose. I am making slow changes, so I don’t have extreme knee pain or sugar crashes.  I am using scripture to kick the habit of eating too much dessert, or large portions. I want to achieve a energetic level of Jesus girl I feel on a good day, everyday.  I can make things happen by praying my way through each meal, each workout, until God brings me to the next part of my journey.

What can you give or give up to be a better child of God?


  1. That is so true... God never intended for me to be broken or defeated... What can I give up to be a better child of God... Myself. I need to stop thinking I can handle EVERYTHING. Thanks for making me think...

  2. Go, Daphne!!! The beauty of it is you are realizing you have to have God's strength. We have to have something more than we are to push us along, giving us the strength. I'm praying for you dear sister!!!

  3. You are right!! As children of God we are to be battle ready for physically and spiritually!! Awesome post, thanks very much for sharing your thoughts. Great insight!!

    Trish (OBS Blog Hop Team)

  4. You rocked it Daphne!! We go to battle every day. We have to put on God's suite of armor to take on this world. God has made us to be more and to rely on him because he has our back like no other! We have to turn it over and go to him with open palms and #determination!! I love my group 63 girls, you all bless my socks off <3 Cindy M~ OBS Small Group Leader <3
