Saturday, February 16, 2013


“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”
 ~ Proverbs 19:21 NIV11

Let.It.Go. Week 2 Online Bible Study Blog Hop

Did God ever redirect my plans and have His path lead to blessings? YES! Lots of little blessings.  Here’s my story of  God’s plan changing my plan.  Last fall my original plan was to go to Sunday service.  I brought the kids upstairs to their Sunday School classroom, only to have my daughter tug my arm and ask me to stay with her, which encouraged my son join her plea, so I stayed.  So, I attended children’s Sunday school instead of my adult service; no big deal, I could catch up on pod cast. My teenage daughter joined us, not wanting to sit alone in the sanctuary.  I don’t remember the Bible story or message that particular week. I do remember a couple of rambunctious 3 year old boys that made me think my teenager and I were in the right place, to help at the right time.

The next Sunday, the same tug and question, but this time, I made my little ones join my service, which is boring to  5 and 6 year olds.  The Sunday school teacher gently reminded me, it is important for them to hear the message intended for them.  So, on the third week of cling-ons my oldest and I once again, joined the Sunday school class, and tried to round up the rowdy three year old so the other children could learn. 

I now teach Sunday school to those rowdy little boys in the pre-school room, with the help of my 15 year old daughter.  I never would have volunteered to do such a task, if my children hadn’t dragged me to there.  I prepared crafts and stories off of the lesson plans given to me, but  I did not know what I was doing.  I kept comparing things to the other teacher who is older and a “real teacher” in the school system. Now, I’ve learned to take my lesson plans, and alter them within the limits of my kids.  My class a bridge somewhere between nursery and school age. 

Each Sunday I go to pre-school to worship.  God is there with me, giving me the strength to find beauty and fun doing His work.  I get smiles, giggles,  snack time,  songs and dance.  I get to color, glue and wipe sticky fingers.  I get to share  my love of God with these precious souls, who I now think of as my kids.  Last week we had six 3 year olds and a 2 year old. It has been a blessing to me, in more ways than I can account for.  I’ve always had faith, but didn’t grow up going to church.  I am not as well versed in scripture as many are.  I am growing and do more devotionals and spend more time with God now. 

1 comment:

  1. Daphne, What a great way that God utilized your clingy children to show you where He needed you! And what a blessing to those little preschoolers! I taught preschool Sunday School for many years and it is extremely rewarding! Those little hearts just want to know more and more about Jesus! Good for you for allowing God to lead you!
    Erin Cuomo, OBS Group Leader
